I'll make this simple... I believe that knowledge, in whatever field of expertise, should be passed on, for the benefit and value of that information itself. If it helps out a fellow photographer in the process, even better! We all have strong points & weaknesses, depending on photography type.
This past weekend, I went out & shot wildlife (Snowy Owls) for the first time, and it was a slap in the face, as to how little I knew about shooting "in-flight" images of this sort. After going through my pics, I decided to contact someone that could enlighten me on the subject.
I contacted a buddy of mine, Chris Dodds, and world-renowned wildlife photographer. Chris willingly shared some of his profound knowledge on the matter, as well and some of his settings. That's when it dawned on me, that he in turn was providing me with knowledge, just like I had been doing with others, but in a different field of photography.
Chris hosts some amazing wildlife photography Workshops throughout North America. The dates sell fast, but if you have the chance to book a trip with him, you'll be more than thankful for what you'll learned, in addition to capturing images like few will ever have the chance to do!
You can see some of Chris's work, and workshop dates on his Blog
You can see some of Chris's work, and workshop dates on his Blog
Thanks again Chris, I'm already anxious to get back out there, and try those settings!