Monday, July 31, 2017

Mtl ePrix, Formule electrique... Jour 1

29 Juillet 2017  |   Montreal, PQ

C'est Samedi le 29 Juillet 2017, qu'a eu lieux la toute première course du Grand Prix de la formule électrique ePrix de Montreal, apres que le maire ai confirmé qu'une entente avais été prise pour 6ans de compétition en circuit fermé dans notre grande métropole.
Quelques images de la première journée de course... ICI

          Photographié pour evenko

Monday, July 24, 2017

Régates de Valleyfield 2017...

14-15-& 16 Juillet 2017  |  Salaberry-de-Valleyfield

C'est sur la Baie St-Francois qu'on eu lieu la 79ieme éditions des prestigieuse Régates de Valleyfield.  

SNAPePHOTO ces donné comme mandat personnel de couvrir la totalitée des qualifications, courses et promotions présentées, dans toutes les catégories, soit...  2.5Litres, Hydro 350, Grand Prix, Jersey Speed Skiff & Pro-Stock (CanAm).

Les images disponible pour achats... ICI

The 79th edition of the prestigious Valleyfield Regattas were held, as usual on Baie St-Francois. We at SNAPePHOTO had given ourselves the personal mandate to cover the totality of qualifications, races and promotions presented, in all categories, either ... 2.5Litres, Hydro 350, Grand Prix, Jersey Speed ​​Skiff & Pro-Stock (CanAm).
Images available for purchase... HERE

Photos:  Patrick Beaudry / Claude Dufresne

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Queen w/ Adam Lambert...

Monday July 17th 2017  |  Montreal's Bell Centre

We had such an amazing time shooting this gig.  Although we were only present for the first 3 songs, and that a security agent's head was in our way most of the time, it was a fun concert to shoot.

Let's face it, Adam Lambert is an incredible showman, and could do no wrong, especially when coupled with original members, Brian May & Roger Taylor.  

Freddie Mercury is probably grinning right now, at how well his legacy continues to be honored in such a fantastic way.

The setlist and a few images can be seen... HERE

          Photographié pour evenko

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Mariage de Mathieu & Valérie...

Samedi le 1 Juillet 2017  |  Club de Golf Ormstown

Leurs histoire est digne d'un conte de fée.  Et quoi de plus magique que de pouvoir se marier a l'endroit ou ils se sont rencontrés la toute première fois?!

Une superbe soirée ou les invités nous on donné amplement de matériel a photographier. ;)

A part ce petit "teaser" on va laisser les nouveaux mariés choisir les images qu'ils voudront bien vous partager.  Longue vie a votre amour les tourtereaux! 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Why shoot RAW...

This post is for up-and-coming photogs that still ask themselves the question...

You've probably heard it over & over again, that most Pros suggest you shoot RAW files...   But do you know why it’s so important? And what it really means for your images? Let’s sort it out!
First off, what is RAW?
RAW is a file format that captures all image data recorded by the sensor when you take a photo. When shooting in a format like JPEG image information is compressed and lots of that information is lost. Because no information is compressed with RAW you’re able to "tweek/correct" poorly exposed files in post-production, and ultimately produce a higher quality image, than you would, if tried to correct it from a JPG type file.
Here's a perfect example, of a not-so-perfect image of the father of the bride (and good friend) and I, at a recent wedding in Florida. For whatever reason, this shot was grossly under-exposed. Whether conditions were difficult, the flash batteries were dying, or you're simply having an off day, etc... shit happens! But with the magic of Camera raw and a few post-processing corrections, the photo is still rendered usable.

The downsides of shooting RAW, is yes, the files take up a considerable amount of space, need to be post-processed (longer to edit), but in the end, you'll be much happier with the overall results.
